Red Alert: Planet in Peril

Climate Emergency Forum discusses the latest report from the World Meteorological Organization on climate change indicators in 2023. The report reveals that 2023 was the warmest year on record with many indicators breaking previous records.

This video was recorded on April 2nd, 2024, and published on April 21st, 2024.

The report reveals that 2023 was the warmest year on record, with global temperatures reaching 1.45°C above pre-industrial levels, effectively crossing the 1.5°C threshold that was considered a critical limit. All climate indicators, including greenhouse gas concentrations, ocean temperatures, sea level rise, glacier melt, and extreme weather events, broke previous records and showed accelerating rates of change.

A major concern highlighted is the unprecedented rate of increase in atmospheric CO2 levels, which has doubled in the past 15 years compared to the previous decade. Methane and nitrous oxide levels also reached new highs, with methane increasing by a staggering 264% compared to pre-industrial levels. The report emphasizes that these indicators are not just breaking records but also increasing at record rates, signaling a dire emergency that scientists are struggling to explain fully.

The need for governments and corporations to wake up to the reality of accelerating climate change and take urgent action is highlighted. The report also touches on the sociological impacts, such as internal displacement of people due to climate stresses, food insecurity, and the potential for geopolitical instability as a result of these factors.

Overall, the WMO report serves as a stark warning about the rapidly deteriorating state of the planet’s climate system, with all indicators pointing towards a worsening crisis that requires immediate and comprehensive action from all stakeholders.


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