Special guests Rupert Read and Nick Breeze discuss COP26 with our regarlar panelists Dr. Peter Carter, Paul Beckwith and Regina Valdez.
This video was recorded on November 11, 2021 at COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland and briefly published on November 12, 2021 and republished again on November 18, 2021.
Some of the things discussed in this video are:
Rupert Read - Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of East Anglia, author, Parents for a Future (2021). co-editor, with Jem Bendell, Deep Adaptation - navigating the realities of climate chaos, the first ever book on Deep Adaptation; Co-founder of transformative-adaptation.com. https://transformative-adaptation.com/
Nick Breeze - Nick is a climate communicator who has written and produced filmed interviews with over 200 climate change experts. He contributes regularly to ‘The Ecologist’ and ClimateGenn. He is co-founder of the Cambridge Climate Lecture Series.
Dr. Peter Carter - MD, Expert IPCC Reviewer and the director of the Climate Emergency Institute
Paul Beckwith - Climate Systems Scientist. Professor at the University of Ottawa’s Paleoclimatology Laboratory as well as at Carleton University
Regina Valdez - Program Director, Climate Reality Project, NYC. GreenFaith Fellow and LEED Green Associate
The UNFCCC’s COP26 Media Crew in the Durdle Door Press Conference Room
Charles Gregoire – Climate Reality Leader, Electrical Engineer, Webmaster and IT prime for FacingFuture.Earth and the Climate Emergency Forum
Heidi Brault - Climate Reality Leader, BA(Psychology), Library & Information Technician Diploma - Video production and website assistant - Organizer and convener, Metadata technician, COP26 Team Lead for FacingFuture.Earth and the Climate Emergency Forum.
Thanks to the following organizations for making this program at COP26 possible:
Background Music: