Dr. Peter Carter presents the major findings of the IPCC’s 6th Assessment report and discusses them with Regina Valdez. Peter succinctly summarizes it as follows: “The report finds unless there are immediate, rapid and large-scale reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, limiting warming to close to 1.5°C or even 2°C will be beyond reach.”
This video was recorded on Aug 13th, 2021, and published on August 24th, 2021.
Topics discussed include the following:
Climate Change 2021 The Physical Science Basis - Summary for Policy Makers
Why a top climate scientist may stop contributing to future UN assessment reports
Climate change: 1.9 billion people rely on natural ‘water towers’
Dr. Peter Carter - MD, Expert IPCC Reviewer and the director of the Climate Emergency Institute
Regina Valdez - Program Director, Climate Reality Project, NYC. GreenFaith Fellow and LEED Green Associate
Charles Gregoire – Climate Reality Leader, Electrical Engineer, Webmaster and IT prime for FacingFuture.Earth and the Climate Emergency Forum
Heidi Brault - Climate Reality Leader, BA(Psychology), Library & Information Technician Diploma - Video production and website assistant - Organizer and convener, Metadata technician, COP26 Team Lead for FacingFuture.Earth and the Climate Emergency Forum.
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