Media Advisory

For Immediate Release

Climate Education - Empowerment for Change

Portait photos of John D. Liu, Dr. Peter Carter, Paul Beckwith, Dan Galpern, Reyanne Mustafa and Charles Gregoire
John, Peter, Paul, Dan, Reyanne and Charles

Program Video Link

December 9, 2023 @ 4:00 PM GST (UTC+4)


The panel will discuss some of the many facets of Climate Education and how this can act as an empowerment for change.


John D. Liu
John D. Liu is a journalist, filmmaker, ecologist and Ecosystem Ambassador for the Commonland Foundation, whose work has helped to show that it is possible to restore natural ecological systems. He is the founder of the Ecosystem Restoration Camps Movement that has, together with many partners, created 56 Ecosystem Restoration Camps throughout the world. John has produced, filmed, written, directed, and presented dozens of films on Environment and Ecology that have aired on the BBC, National Geographic, Discovery, PBS, and other networks.

Dr. Peter Carter
Peter is a medically-qualified doctor, with a background in environmental health policy. He is the director of the Climate Emergency Institute, as well as an IPCC Expert Reviewer and co-author of Unprecedented Crime: Climate Science Denial and Game Changers for Survival.

Paul Beckwith
Paul is a Climate System Scientist who has taught at the University of Ottawa in the Laboratory for Paleoclimatology, as well as at Carleton University. Paul is a well-known climate educator on YouTube with over 1,200 videos pertaining to climate science.

Dan Galpern
Dan Galpern is founder, executive director, and general counsel to Climate Protection & Restoration Initiative, a US nonprofit organization. He has served as legal and policy adviser to climate scientist Dr. James Hansen since 2011. Prior to the law, Dan worked for 20 years as a public interest analyst and advocate for human rights and global security.

Reyanne Mustafa
Reyanne is a fervent upcycling enthusiast and co-founder of SOULMUCH Foods. She is a trailblazer in combating food waste and climate change, and her impactful speeches at renowned venues like Tedx, the United Nations, Coachella, and the Global Wave Conference reflect her dedication to inspiring change.

Charles Gregoire
Charles is a Climate Reality Leader with a background in engineering. He has a BSc in Electrical Engineering and worked in the high tech field for over twenty years as an electrical engineer and manager.

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