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Doomsday Clock Update 2024 thumbnail with link
Feb 25, 2024
Join the Climate Emergency Forum as it discusses the 2024 Doomsday Clock update by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, an organization founded in 1945 by Albert Einstein and Manhattan Project scientists after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Coastal Flooding thumbnail with link
Feb 18, 2024
Join our regular panel in a comprehensive examination of the escalating risks associated with coastal flooding and sea level rise and the complex interconnected factors driving them.

Feb 15, 2024
The Climate Emergency Forum welcomes back Guy Lane, founder of Vita Sapien, in a discussion that highlights the concept of Vita Worldview, which aims to integrate ecological science with spirituality through Lifewise philosophy and Vita religion.

A New Climate Vocabulary thumbnail with link
Feb 11, 2024
Climate Emergency Forum welcomes Herb Simmens, author and planetarian, to discuss his book, "A Climate Vocabulary of the Future," that emphasizes the need for accessible language and storytelling in the climate discourse.

COPOUT thumbnail with link
Feb 04, 2024
Climate Emergency Forum welcomes Nick Breeze, author, climate and wine journalist, to discuss his forthcoming book, "COPOUT," where concerns are expressed about the ineffectiveness of the UNFCCC COPs.

Ocean Restoration - Update 2023 thumbnail with link
Jan 29, 2024
In this Climate Emergency Forum, Charles welcomes Russ George and Alex Carlin to discuss Ocean Restoration - Update 2023. Alex, a reporter, directs questions to Russ, an expert on ocean restoration.

Climate Education - Empowerment for Change thumbnail with link
Jan 21, 2024
The Climate Emergency Forum and guests discuss a range of topics related to climate education, from hands-on restoration, addressing food waste, combating misinformation, and political engagement.

Reaching Youth Through Climate Fiction thumbnail with link
Jan 16, 2024
The Climate Emergency Forum welcomes guest Tom Riley, a retired NASA engineer and author who explains his aim to engage young people through fiction, with relatable characters who take positive action.

No 1.5 Without Intervention thumbnail with link
Jan 11, 2024
The Centre for Climate Repair at the University of Cambridge (CCRC) and the Climate Emergency Forum (CEF) present a panel discussion at COP28 in Dubai, UAE on the topic of "No 1.5 Without Intervention."

New Greenhouse Gas Removal Pathways thumbnail with link
Jan 07, 2024
The Centre for Climate Repair at the University of Cambridge (CCRC) and the Climate Emergency Forum (CEF) present a panel discussion at COP28 in Dubai, UAE on the topic of “New Greenhouse Gas Removal Pathways.”

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