A New Climate Vocabulary
Image & Video Attributions:
Title: Beautiful Bayside sunrise
Author: BlackBoxGuild
Source: https://www.videvo.net/video/beautiful-bayside-sunrise/1705886/#rs=video-box
License: YouTube Safe - Commercial and Editorial Use - Royalty Free
Time: 0:00:35
Title: Herb Simmens
Author: Herb Simmens
Source: https://www.herbsimmens.com/about/
License: Fair Use
Time: 0:01:24
Title: File:Youth for Climate - March for a better future (46724204382).jpg
Author: European Greens from Brussels, Belgium
Source: SourceLink
License: CC BY 2.0 DEED
Time: 0:02:02
Title: A Climate Vocabulary of the Future, Second Edition
Author: Herb Simmens
Source: https://www.amazon.com/Climate-Vocabulary-Future-Second/dp/B0C2S4D6V2/ref=sr_1_1?crid=7NO3YPO0GFME&keywords=a+climate+vocabulary+of+the+future&qid=1707191434&sprefix=A+climate+vocab%2Caps%2C111&sr=8-1
License: Fair Use
Time: 0:03:36
Title: File:Climate and ecological emergency - -XRMelbourne - IMG 5460 (48861899283).jpg
Author: Takver
Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Climate_and_ecological_emergency_-_-XRMelbourne_-_IMG_5460_(48861899283).jpg
License: CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED
Time: 0:03:56
Title: File:Icon dictionary.svg
Author: Koreller
Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Icon_dictionary.svg
License: CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED
Time: 0:04:23
Title: File:Dicoo bienvenue.png
Author: Myriam Thomas
Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Dicoo_bienvenue.png
License: CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED
Time: 0:04:29
Title: File:Goldyear-2035-noframe.svg
Author: Magnus sine Cognomen
Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Goldyear-2035-noframe.svg
License: CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED
Time: 0:04:47
Title: File:Teaching climate change mitigation icon.png
Author: Tommaso.sansone91
Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Teaching_climate_change_mitigation_icon.png
License: CC0 1.0 DEED
Time: 0:05:13
Title: File:ConfusedUserRed.png
Author: OERDesign
Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:ConfusedUserRed.png
License: CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED
Time: 0:05:23
Title: View of Block D at COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland
Author: Charles Gregoire
Source: Not Posted
License: Copyright Charles Gregoire
Time: 0:06:22
Title: File:Climate-system.jpg
Author: Femkemilene
Source: SourceLink
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
Time: 0:07:16
Title: Retrieving Dropped Supplies
Author: NASA Goddard Photo and Video
Source: SourceLink
License: CC BY 2.0
Time: 0:07:21
Title: File:Kids Want Climate Justice (34168280266).jpg
Author: Lorie Shaull
Source: SourceLink
License: CC BY-SA 2.0
Time: 0:08:01
Title: Great Barrier Reef
Author: Steve Parish
Source: SourceLink
License: CC BY 2.0
Time: 0:08:51
Title: COP28 Venue International Flags location
Author: Charles Gregoire
Source: Not Posted
License: Copyright Charles Gregoire
Time: 0:10:47
Title: File:Climate science matters - Melbourne -MarchforScience on -Earthday (33365725064).jpg
Author: Takver
Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Climate_science_matters_-_Melbourne_-MarchforScience_on_-Earthday_(33365725064).jpg
License: CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED
Time: 0:11:32
Title: File:Change in Average Temperature With Fahrenheit.svg
Author: NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio, Key and Title by uploader (Eric Fisk)
Source: SourceLink
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
Time: 0:12:22
Title: File:Jetstreamconfig.jpg
Author: Lyndon State College Meteorology
Source: SourceLink
License: public domain
Time: 0:13:33
Title: Stool
Author: N/A
Source: SourceLink
License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Time: 0:14:03
Title: File:Bill McKibben (5631614823).jpg
Author: chesapeakeclimate
Source: SourceLink
License: CC BY-SA 2.0
Time: 0:15:29
Title: Healthy Planet Action Coalition
Author: HPAC
Source: https://www.healthyplanetaction.org/
License: Fair Use
Time: 0:16:25
Title: File:Make Earth Cool Again. -Melbourneclimatestrike IMG 5106 (48764691511).jpg
Author: Takver
Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Make_Earth_Cool_Again._-Melbourneclimatestrike_IMG_5106_(48764691511).jpg
License: CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED
Time: 0:16:34
Title: File:Illustration different solar climate intervention techniques.png
Author: Chelsea Thompson, NOAA/CIRES
Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Illustration_different_solar_climate_intervention_techniques.png
License: public domain
Time: 0:16:46
Title: File:Sunlight effect.jpg
Author: Tiia Monto
Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sunlight_effect.jpg
License: CC BY-SA 3.0 DEED
Time: 0:17:24
Title: File:Sunlight through clouds and view of Ginkaku-ji Temple from above, Kyoto, Japan.jpg
Author: Basile Morin
Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sunlight_through_clouds_and_view_of_Ginkaku-ji_Temple_from_above,_Kyoto,_Japan.jpg
License: CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED
Time: 0:17:49
Title: File:Climate science matters - Melbourne -MarchforScience on -Earthday (33365101014).jpg
Author: Takver
Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Climate_science_matters_-_Melbourne_-MarchforScience_on_-Earthday_(33365101014).jpg
License: CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED
Time: 0:19:16
Title: File:The Thinker NYC March 6, 2015-5.jpg
Author: VGrigas (WMF)
Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_Thinker_NYC_March_6,_2015-5.jpg
License: CC BY-SA 3.0 DEED
Time: 0:19:41
Title: James E Hansen.jpg
Author: BillEbbesen
Source: SourceLink
License: Public Domain
Time: 0:20:34
Title: Mr. Hoesung Lee, Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Author: UNclimatechange
Source: SourceLink
License: CC BY 2.0
Time: 0:21:13
Title: Earth Full View
Author: mattiamc
Source: SourceLink
License: CC BY 3.0
Time: 0:21:51
Title: File:I'm here for life on earth. (52003894169).jpg
Author: Alisdare Hickson
Source: SourceLink
License: CC BY-SA 2.0.
Time: 0:22:41
Title: Junge Demonstranten halten Transparent mit There is no Planet B Botschaft. Demo gegen Umweltverschmutzung und Klimaerwärmung""
Author: Ivan Radic
Source: SourceLink
License: CC BY 2.0.
Time: 0:23:04
Title: Agua, Energía y Medio Ambiente
Author: Cantabria Campus Nobel
Source: SourceLink
License: CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.
Time: 0:23:20
Title: Dominoes falling in slow motion
Author: BlackBoxGuild
Source: SourceLink
License: YouTube Safe, Model Released, Commercial and Editorial Use, Royalty Free
Time: 0:23:26
Title: File:Ice albedo feedback.jpg
Author: Tovarg
Source: SourceLink
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
Time: 0:25:08
Title: book-hand-reading
Author: Mohamed Hassan
Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/book-hand-reading-read-sunset-3801210/
License: Pixabay
Time: 0:26:06
Title: Tower Viewer
Author: Alexandr Ivanov
Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/tower-viewer-man-travel-view-male-1580255/
License: Pixabay
Time: 0:26:14
Title: Dr. James Hansen, our favorite climate scientist
Author: chesapeakeclimate
Source: SourceLink
License: CC BY-SA 2.0.
Time: 0:26:39
Title: Save our Planet
Author: John Englart (Takver)
Source: SourceLink
License: CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.
Time: 0:27:01
Title: File:Science-Comunication-Overview-FabioCrameri.png
Author: Fabio Crameri and Lucía Pérez Díaz
Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Science-Comunication-Overview-FabioCrameri.png
License: CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED
Time: 0:27:09
Title: Potential Energy Coalition
Author: Potential Energy Coalition Inc.
Source: https://potentialenergycoalition.org/
License: Fair Use
Time: 0:27:27
Title: It's a climate emergency - Save our Future - Funeral for our future - Melbourne - IMG_3580
Author: John Englart (Takver)
Source: SourceLink
License: CC BY-SA 2.0.
Time: 0:28:15
Title: File:Sir Winston Churchill - 19086236948.jpg
Author: Yousuf Karsh.
Source: SourceLink
License: public domain
Time: 0:29:32
Title: File:JRommsm.jpg
Author: Ssilvers
Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:JRommsm.jpg
License: public domain
Time: 0:29:44
Title: Storms of My Grandchildren
Author: James Hansen
Source: SourceLink
License: Fair Use
Time: 0:30:09
Title: Action for the Climate Emergency
Author: Action for the Climate Emergency
Source: SourceLink
License: Fair Use
Time: 0:33:07
Title: File:Warming. Declare a climate emergency.
Author: Takver
Source: SourceLink
License: CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED
Time: 0:34:55
Title: File:Cobbe portrait of Shakespeare.jpg
Author: Unknown artist, possibly photographed by Oli Scarff
Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cobbe_portrait_of_Shakespeare.jpg
License: public domain
Time: 0:35:44
Title: A Climate Vocabulary of the Future, Second Edition
Author: Herb Simmens
Source: https://www.amazon.com/Climate-Vocabulary-Future-Second/dp/B0C2S4D6V2/ref=sr_1_1?crid=7NO3YPO0GFME&keywords=a+climate+vocabulary+of+the+future&qid=1707191434&sprefix=A+climate+vocab%2Caps%2C111&sr=8-1
License: Fair Use
Time: 0:36:24
Title: Beautiful Bayside sunrise
Author: BlackBoxGuild
Source: https://www.videvo.net/video/beautiful-bayside-sunrise/1705886/#rs=video-box
License: YouTube Safe - Commercial and Editorial Use - Royalty Free
Time: 0:36:53